Quarts de Chaume is a flagship appellation from one of the most famous terroirs of the Layon, and its producers’ union has imposed the strictest production standards in France for Quarts de Chaume wines, with minimum alcohol potential of 17.5° at picking, a maximum yield of 25hl per hectare and no enrichment allowed.
Whether grown on Brioverian rock (Breton schist) or carboniferous soil, Quarts-de-Chaume is highly conducive to botrytisation. While the soils never produce vigour, neither do they let the vine suffer too much. It is only through a controlled load and extremely careful picking that the winegrower is able to bring out the potential of the appellation’s meso-climate. With this extreme care, we obtain the finesse and complexity that only a beautiful overripe grape can give, in exchange for yields of often less than 15 hl per hectare.
Compared to the Chaume appellation (which also has a carboniferous terroir), Quarts de Chaume produces superb aromatic vivacity with a marked balance of “botrytisation/minerality” on the palate, and a precision and freshness of structure brought by the carboniferous phthanite.
Appellation | Quarts de Chaume |
Varieties | 100% Chenin |
Terroir | Carboniferous sandstone with coal, sandstone on alterite with cinerite and phthanite on alteration and rock |
Pairing suggestions | Desserts (chocolate, almonds, lemon), blue cheese, fois gras, Asian cuisine |